Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Omelette

Ahh, summer. I do love summer. No school, no students, no practices, no (for the most part) commitments. Two and a half months off was a deciding factor in the profession I chose, after all. Life is easy this time of year. I wake up when I want, go to sleep when I want, take a shower when I want...

Unfortunately, along with the relative ease of summer life and the general lack of structure inevitably comes...boredom.

And what follows boredom?
Laziness. Sloth. Sluggishness. Lethargy. Alcoholism. Weight gain. Self-loathing. (Do the last three happen to other people?)

So here I am, on the second day of summer vacation, face to face with another day, another 16 hours stretching out before me like a canvas begging to be painted. Please, Amanda, don't leave me blank again today.

And then came the decision that will, hopefully, change my life.

I decided to make an omelette.

I've never made an omelette before. Successfully, at least. I tried once a few years ago but attempted the fold too quickly and it all fell to shit, and I gave up on all things domestic for a while.
But this omelette...this omelette was different. It was made of egg whites. It was accompanied by an e-how article with pithy instructions so that I didn't eff it all up. I was patient. I followed directions. And in the end, it turned out beautifully. It folded. It was cooked through. And as I sat at my breakfast table and admired it, the proverbial light bulb was illuminated and two hours later, here I am, writing this blog.

So everyone has a "Bucket List", 100 things they want to do before they die, etc. I am no exception; there are a million things I still have left to do before the big day comes.

However, those things take time and money. And while I certainly plan to drive a Volvo through the Italian countryside and drink Guinness in Ireland someday, I'm not quite financially able to do that yet. But what I am able to do is think of all the simple things I've never done that don't necessarily cost money, and don't take a lot of time, but are still valuable and inspirational.
So, thanks to three egg whites, a frying pan and a spatula, I have a new and brilliant plan. Every day this summer, I will pick something simple I've never done (ex: rollerblade, watch Casablanca, make a cake from scratch), complete it, and check it off my list. And I plan to blog about each item on the list.
I'm still in the process of coming up with items for the list. I'm about 1/3 of the way through, thanks to some great friends and their creative little brains.

So what do I hope to gain from all this?
1.) Well, first of all, I'm two days into summer and bored as hell. So my practical side tells me that by having a plan, maybe I will gain structure and not weight.
2.) I haven't done a whole lot in my life. I was very shy as a kid and self-conscious, so there are a lot of things I could have done by now and just never did because I didn't like to fail in front of others. So, yeah, while I've traveled to a few fancy places, there are a lot of simple things that other people have done that I just never have. So I hope to gain some pride, I guess you could say.
3.) As I compile my list, I notice that most of these items either require someone else's help, or will be better shared with another person. So not only will I feel proud, and accomplished, and powerful, I hope that, most importantly, I will gain some new, fun, and special memories with those I love the most.

Day 1 down. Here's to: following through, new ideas, being brave, putting yourself out there, and of course, a very special egg-white omelette.


~ Katie ~ said...

I can not make an omelet or fry an egg to save my life...so you are way ahead of me :)

can't wait to see what else you have in store

Amy said...

Love it sister! I can't wait to see what this summer brings to your life!

Jessica said...

You had me at Omelette.

tana said...

You have inspired me! I'm gonna make my own list. Can't wait to see what else is on yours!